Welcome to your Boudoir experience.

Let's customize this session to fit YOU and your style/ vision!

When you arrive at my studio you will see 2 larger sets and a few smaller sets/ add ons.

With your package you get to choose ONE large set and ONE small set.


Choose one for your package. If you would like to do BOTH the second large set is +$75.

Couch Set

Bathroom Set


You get to choose one of these with your package. If you would like to add on more small sets it's $50 each set.

Wet Set/ Shower

Silver Sparkle


(COMING SOON) Spicy Swing



Dark Corner

(COMING SOON) Hoop (must be able to navigate this with strength)

I will be adding more small sets as I go. I will also offer MINIS throughout the year so keep an eye out for those as well.

I am looking forward to meeting you and showing you yourself in a whole new light.